Our Privacy Policy has been updated as of May 24, 2018
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We are not accepting submissions for non-fiction
at this time.
We focus on Christian living and Bible studies in our non-fiction imprint.
Please be careful to follow our submissions policy.

These are the basic submission requirements:
In your original e-mail to us, please include a brief cover letter in the body of the e-mail, to introduce yourself and your book. If you have a vision for your book (where you could promote it, or how it will reach others, or touch lives), share that with us too. Please let us know the genre and full word count if the manuscript is complete, or an estimated word count and when you expect to complete your manuscript. All of this should be in the body of the email.
Please follow industry-standard formatting. This means your manuscript:
Pages should have 1" margins on all sides.
Lines should be double-spaced.
Font should be Times New Roman, size 12.
Uses black ink only - do not use color fonts.
And these are for your NON-FICTION proposals:
Please submit the following as one attachment:
Short bio - please include any credentials and why you are qualified to write this book.
Pitch - 30 words or less.
Long blurb - 150 words or less.
Marketing proposal - How do you reach the audience you currently have? How do you plan to market your book? Does your book include any pertinent social issues, groups, factors that provide a springboard for media?
Market Comparison - What recent releases are like your manuscript and how is yours different?
Chapter outline - one paragraph per chapter for every chapter of the book.
First three full chapters of the book.
Please email to WriteIntegrity@gmail.com and list "Non-fiction Proposal" with the title of your book in the subject line.
We will try to reply promptly to all submissions, but please allow up to 90 days to hear from us. If you haven't heard from us by that time, please send a brief e-mail inquiry.
Read the Senior Editor's best advice on the proposal process HERE.
* Please keep in mind that our motto is "wholesome, inspiring, uplifting."
** Hard copy or mail submissions will not be acknowledged or returned. All submissions must be sent by e-mail. No exceptions.